
Blyth Academy – Barrie

Name: Blyth Academy - Barrie
BSID: 885589
Status: closed
Open Date: Sep 01, 2014
Closed Date: Jun 30, 2016

Language of Instruction: English
Level: Elem/Sec
School Type: Private Inspected
Grade Range: JK-12
Semester type: Semestered/Non-semestered
Special Conditions Code: All Year Round
OSSD Continuous Intake: False

Number Of Teachers: <10
Teachers with OCT: <10

Affiliations: NO affiliations declared
Association: Ontario Federation of Independent Schools


City: Toronto
Postal Code: L4N1V3
Telephone: 705-719-9595

Principal Name: Laurie Stinson
Principal Start Date: Apr 04, 2016

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SchoolCred Rating

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Blyth Academy – Barrie

Kiana Gibson
30 Oct, 2016

” Blyth Academy gave me the best summer I could’ve ever asked for! I took Grade 12 Biology in Costa Rica, and it was incredible. We were surrounded by so much biodiversity that the country was a classroom on its own! Class sizes were small, so I always had the opportunity to ask my teacher questions. The food was great, the freedom they give us is safe yet allows us to explore, and the optional excursions are TO DIE for. Also, I made some incredible friends that I truly believe I’ve made lifelong connections with. I cannot recommend this enough! “

Emma Langlois
12 Oct, 2016

” I did a Blyth International Summer trip in France in July to get my English grade 12 credit. It was one of the most amazing and educational months of my life. I got the opportunity to tour all around France while also learning the whole grade 12 English curriculum. The Blyth staff were incredible support and I made friends I will have for the rest of my life. I was challenged in my academics but was still given enough time to truly digest and enjoy the beauty of France. I would highly recommend this program for anyone eligible. A summer I will NEVER forget! My biggest regret is not doing a program from grade 9 and only experiencing Blyth International Summer in grade 12. “

Daniela Fisico
02 Oct, 2016

” I attended the Blyth Rome and Greece program in July and it changed my perspective on the World! Blyth International Summers offer a welcoming, supportive, fun, and engaging classroom for students half way around the world but somehow still make it feel like home. I would recommend anyone eligible for one of these trips to take advantage of this opportunity and book now! I was hesitant at first and wondered if I could handle being away from home for so long, and on the last day I didn’t even want to think about coming back!! Blyth was one of the best experiences of my life, and I couldn’t imagine the regret I would have had if I chose not to go. “

05 Apr, 2016

” Would high recommend Blyth if you or your child are looking to do a credit abroad in the summer. I traveled to Nicaragua in the summer of 2015 and it has been 9 months, but I still think about my trip everyday. I got to surf, hike a mountain and volunteer at a local school, just to name a few. It was an amazing experience where I got to make new friends and immerse myself in a completely different culture other than my own. I was able to do all this while earning a credit in grade 12 English. Thank you Blyth for this awesome experience! “

Olivia Gigone
04 Apr, 2016

” If I were to sum up my experience with the Blyth International Summer programs into one word, it would have to be life changing. Going away to France for a month was a very last minute decision for me, but I can’t even describe how beneficial it in the end. I came out of the trip with a new found confidence and excitement for learning and travel, not to mention all of the amazing friends that I made along the way. On a Blyth trip the term “learn by doing” truly comes to life. Through experiential learning students are given the opportunity to study material in the actual locations that history took place in. When else would you be able to study Shakespeare in the globe theatre or learn about mythology as you sail across the Greek islands? Without a doubt, my only advice for anyone considering a Blyth International Summer trip is “just go”! “


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